Leftover Turkey? Turn It Into Oil!

Creation Science Evangelism

Turkey Into Oil

In 1971 scientists learned how to turn sewage into oil in just twenty minutes using heat and pressure. Now, a lab in Texas shows that even the scraps from your Thanksgiving turkey is a great way to make oil in just half an hour.
Evolutionists suggest that oil comes from organic material, such as dinosaurs, that were buried and compressed for millions of years under immense pressure. However, more laboratory research continues to prove that it can be formed in much shorter amounts of time.
Creationists agree that oil came from organic material, but it was during Noah's Flood that billions of plants and animals were buried by mud and water squishing them into oil. This happened just 4,400 years ago, not millions of years ago. Click here to view a one-and-a-half minute video about the formation of oil in the earth and in the lab.
The presence of oil in the earth is just more proof that the Bible is scientifically accurate, and that the evolution theory is last century's "leftovers." For many more evidences check out our DVD on The Age of the Earth.
