A Berean - What's in your Bible?

A Berean - What's in your Bible?

Notre Dame Expects Obama to Wear Prayer to Virgin Mary on Chest When He Accepts Honorary Degree

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 10:07 AM PDT

Notre Dame expects President Obama to wear the school's traditional doctoral robe--which is emblazoned with a cross and a prayer to the Virgin Mary--when the president receives an honorary law degree from the university at its May 17 commencement ceremony.

Pregnant Woman Accused of Killing Daughter, Unborn Baby

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 09:37 AM PDT

A pregnant Massachusetts woman accused of killing her 9-year-old daughter and stabbing herself in the stomach to kill her unborn child could be arraigned in her hospital bed on Friday, a district attorney said.

Hail the tea bag, weapon of terror - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 06:52 AM PDT

http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | These are not your granny’s tea parties. One tea party even panicked Secret Service bodyguards when a foolish tea-sipper threw a harmless tea bag over the White House fence. “Tea-bag parties” erupted — and “erupted” is the correct verb — across the country on April 15, celebrated by joyous “progressive” taxpayers and loathed by everybody [...]

Conservative Groups Oppose ‘Day of Silence,’ Call for Student ‘Walkout’

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 05:03 AM PDT

Thousands of students across America are expected to participate in a national Day of Silence on Friday, whereby they will not talk for the day to draw attention to the discrimination they say that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students face across the country.

Jitters over expected Israeli air attack - Washington Times - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 04:27 AM PDT

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Oman - are getting ready for what many now assume will be retaliation from Iran after an Israeli bombing of Iran’s nuclear facilities later this year. Up and down the Gulf, Patriot missile batteries have been quietly deployed around key [...]

A ‘world turned upside down’? - Bolton/Washington Times - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 04:20 AM PDT

The Spanish Inquisition’s reawakening and the unchecked rise of piracy off Somalia may not, at first glance, seem to have much in common. In fact, however, these phenomena represent an inversion of historic Western priorities and a decline in our collective resolve and instinct for self-defense. Sunday’s daring rescue of U.S. freighter Capt. Richard Phillips notwithstanding, [...]

Obama blames U.S. guns in Mexico - Washington Times - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 04:17 AM PDT

MEXICO CITY | Meeting face-to-face with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, President Obama on Thursday said the U.S. is to blame for much of Mexico’s drug violence, and he set up a major congressional gun-control battle by calling on the Senate to ratify a treaty designed to track and cut the flow of guns to other [...]

EPA Finds Greenhouse Gases Pose a Danger to Health

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 04:15 AM PDT

The Environmental Protection Agency has concluded that carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases are a danger to public health and welfare. It is the first step to regulating pollution linked to climate change.

The Million Taxpayer March - Malkin - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 04:13 AM PDT

http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | Let’s use liberal math to calculate attendance at this week’s nationwide Tax Day Tea Party protests. When left-wing activists make crowd estimates, the algorithm is: six figures = one million. An incomplete survey of newspaper accounts and organizer estimates pegged the Tea Party protest population at a minimum of 250,000. We can now, therefore, [...]

CNN Versus the Tea Parties - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 04:11 AM PDT

http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | When thousands of people in all 50 states assemble to protest government policy, you might suppose that this is news. Not according to the coverage on the front pages of the Washington Post, New York Times, or the Wall Street Journal. The “tea party” rallies went unmentioned. In Washington, D.C., despite temperatures in [...]

The Pakistani dilemma - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 04:07 AM PDT

http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | In the current era of ideological polarization, throughout the West, the Right and the Left diverge on almost every issue. One of the few convictions that still unifies national security strategists across the ideological spectrum is that it would be a global calamity of the first order if al Qaida gets its hands [...]

Tea parties: Just the beginning - WND - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 04:05 AM PDT

Melanie Morgan targets pundits who claim events were GOP-driven They came on foot, by car, on Harleys. Some were assisted by metal walkers, others pushed in strollers. They also came from divergent political parties. Some love Barack Obama, some not so much. They carried signs, chanted, laughed and listened. But they had one message: America has [...]

Have-it-your-way Christianity - Farah - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 04:03 AM PDT

Joseph Farah says Rick Warren equivocation is not what nation needs Rick Warren is a nice guy. I want to make that clear. I think he wants to do what is right, but he just doesn’t know how. I’m not picking on Rick Warren because I think he’s an evil person. But as the man designated [...]

Did anybody notice? - Hal Lindsey/WND - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:59 AM PDT

Hal Lindsey notes how media marginalized tea partiers as nut jobs Hundreds of thousands of Americans came together in more than 300 locations across the nation to shout, “Enough government!” They met on Tax Day to protest the expanding government apparatus and big government spending. Thousands of protesters – some dressed in colonial wigs with tea bags [...]

I Am an Extremist - Oliver North - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:48 AM PDT

According to the U.S. Government, I am an extremist. I am a Christian — and meet regularly with other Christians to study God's word. My faith convinces me the prophesies in the Holy Bible are true. I believe in the sanctity of human life, oppose abortion and want to preserve marriage as the union of [...]

Are You on the President’s Enemies List? - Gary Bauer - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:47 AM PDT

Last week, Barack Obama's message to the world was: "the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam."  This week, Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security's message to conservatives was:  the United States may soon be at war with you. According to a new report emanating from DHS, it's no longer Islamic [...]

Red Faith, Blue Faith - Townhall - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:44 AM PDT

WASHINGTON — Is “Christian America” dying? And if so, should we mourn or cheer? These questions, raised in a recent cover story written by Newsweek editor Jon Meacham, opened a vigorous and continuing debate (note: I am an occasional contributor at Newsweek). The article has been peppered with criticism from religious conservatives who say it demonstrates [...]

The Sting, in Four Parts - Krauthammer - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:42 AM PDT

WASHINGTON — Franklin Roosevelt gave us the New Deal. John Kennedy gave us the New Frontier. In a major domestic policy address at Georgetown University this week, Barack Obama promised — eight times — a “New Foundation.” For those too thick to have noticed this proclamation of a new era in American history, the White [...]

Team O Turns Left on Sanity with “Right-Wing Extremists” - Townhall - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:40 AM PDT

I’ve got it. After reading and rereading the surreal Department of Homeland Security intel report on “right-wing extremism” that clearly designates conservative political dissent as part of the threat, I finally figured out why it all seems so familiar. First, there’s the report’s leading villain, the “military veteran” returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan — the [...]

Obama’s Wunderkind Fails - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:35 AM PDT

"JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac all say they have increased foreclosure activity in recent weeks," reported The Wall Street Journal on April 15, 2009. Why now? These firms had all instituted moratoriums on foreclosures as they waited for clarity from the Obama administration. That clarity never came. Tim Geithner, Obama's Treasury [...]

Prophets of Collectivism - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:33 AM PDT

The Religious Left isn’t sure what the Bible says about salvation or personal morality, but it is certain that the Scriptures infallibly endorse economic collectivism. Didn’t Jesus ask His disciples to share their goods with each other? And weren’t the ancient Hebrews commanded by their God to care for widows and orphans? Obviously the Bible, [...]

The Return of the Reparations Monster - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:31 AM PDT

   The ideas of the Left are a bit like the villains in horror movies. Just when world events should signal their obvious defeat they somehow manage to rise again. The fall of the Soviet Union should have been the end of the Marxist idea. Yet all the true believers did was repackage the same reactionary [...]

America’s Great Betrayal - April 17

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:29 AM PDT

Freedom is our goal!” roared commander Pepe San Roman to the men assembled before him 48 years ago this week. "Cuba is our cause! God is on our side! On to victory!" Fifteen hundred men crowded before San Roman at their Guatemalan training camps that day. The next day they'd embark for a port in [...]

Former Ambassador to US: No Truth in ‘Bushehr-for-Yitzhar’

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 03:16 AM PDT

Zalman Shoval calls report that Obama administration made action on Iran conditional on Israel's razing of communities in Yesha 'delusional' .

Low- and middle-income Americans will pay dearly for this Democratic idea.

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 02:50 AM PDT

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Amona Protester Paid for Disability Caused by Beating

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 02:09 AM PDT

A young man who was badly beaten during a protest in Amona was granted NIS 35,000 compensation for a resulting disability.

IDF: Action by Beit Haggai First Response Team Averted Tragedy

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 01:49 AM PDT

Senior IDF source praises rapid action by first response team that killed terrorist. Yesha Rabbis blame 'peace babble' for attacks.

Notre Dame Alumni Use Donations As Leverage in Effort to Oust University President

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 01:47 AM PDT

Notre Dame Alumni Use Donations As Leverage in Effort to Oust University President

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 01:47 AM PDT

IDF Map Confirms Every Israeli is Under Missile Threat

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 01:22 AM PDT

As IDF prepares for the national emergency drill, Home Front command hands out color-coded map confirming every Israeli is under missile threat.

PA: Recognition of Israel as Jewish State a ‘Provocation’

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 01:07 AM PDT

The Palestinian Authority rejects as "provocation" a condition to recognize Israel as a Jewish State before resuming talks for its own statehood.

Barghouti Wants Boycott – and Diploma

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 12:56 AM PDT

Leading anti-Israel radical Omar Barghouti has called for an academic boycott on Israel – while studying for a doctorate in Tel Aviv.

Anti-Israel Leader Wants Boycott – and Diploma

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 12:56 AM PDT

Leading anti-Israel radical Omar Barghouti has called for an academic boycott on Israel – while studying for a doctorate in Tel Aviv.

Official: Palestinian Killed in West Bank Violence

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 12:16 AM PDT

Citigroup, GE Post Better-Than-Expected Earnings

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 12:14 AM PDT

Gaza Terrorists Fire Second Rocket at Israel, No Injuries

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 12:07 AM PDT

For the second time in 24 hours, Gaza terrorists fired a Kassam rocket at Jewish communities in southern Israel. No one was injured.

Newspaper Roundup for Apr. 17, 2009

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 12:00 AM PDT

Hatred Exposed

Posted: 17 Apr 2009 12:00 AM PDT

Islamist Hate Exposed By Traditional Values Coalition [Excerpts]

The Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA) in Fairfax, VA went before the local planning commission Wednesday night to seek an expansion of their controversial and secretive school funded and controlled by the Saudi government.

read more

Rendering Unto Caesar

Posted: 16 Apr 2009 11:22 PM PDT

Actually, it is regrettable the symbol for Jesus's name in Georgetown's Gaston Hall was not covered up in shame the first week of Lent. That's the week when feminist and homosexual clubs put on a Gomorrah festival about alternative lifestyles called "Sex Positive Week."

Alan Keyes returns to commentary lineup

Posted: 16 Apr 2009 11:00 PM PDT

Former ambassador, presidential candidate again to pen regular column
