A Berean - What's in your Bible?

A Berean - What's in your Bible?

World Congress of Families Founder Addresses Global Economic Crisis at Oxford University Conference

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 01:08 PM PDT

Contact: Larry Jacobs, World Congress of Families, 815-222-2490, larry@worldcongress.org  MEDIA ADVISORY, July 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- World Congress of Families International Secretary and Founder, Dr. Allan C. Carlson, addresses a Conference on "A Distributist View of the Global Economic Crisis" at Oxford University, England on Saturday, July 11.  Carlson will be presenting his speech titled, "Servile World: How 'The Business Government.' 'The Loathso Source: World Congress of Families

The Pope Gives Obama Document on Bioethics in First Meeting - Fox

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 12:58 PM PDT

Mysterious Tremors Detected Along San Andreas Fault - Fox

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 12:58 PM PDT

Burris Won’t Run for Re-Election, Says Fundraising Would Burden Him

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 11:20 AM PDT

Embattled Illinois Sen. Roland Burris said Friday he won't run for a full term in 2010, making official the end of a short Senate career clouded by questions about his appointment by disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

New Poll Shows Americans Moving Toward Consensus on Abortion

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 10:35 AM PDT

86% favor significant restrictions; Majority believes abortion hurts a woman long-term Contact: Andrew T. Walther, Director of Media Relations, Knights of Columbus, 203-752-4253, 203-824-5412 cell   NEW HAVEN, July 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- The American people continue to move to the pro-life perspective on abortion according to the latest Moral Compass polling by the Knights of Columbus and Marist Institute. The poll mirrored findings of other recent surveys, showing that more America Source: knights of columbus

CIA Program at Center of Congressional Controversy ‘Never Went Fully Operational,’ Says U.S. Intelligence Official

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 10:23 AM PDT

A CIA program that CIA Director Leon Panetta briefed congressional intelligence committees about on June 24 was an "on-again, off-again" project that "never went fully operational" and that Panetta had been informed about by a CIA component that recommended he inform Congress about it.

New Study Confirms that Pres. Obama’s DC Policy Will Increase Abortions Says Dr. Alveda King

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 10:02 AM PDT

Contact: Margaret, Priests for Life,  888-735-3448, ext. 251 ATLANTA, July 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dr. Alveda King, Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., commented today on a new Guttmacher Institute study that shows that in states where Medicaid pays for abortions, more poor women have abortions. "The Guttmacher report is really just another study that confirms the obvious -- subsidized abortion means more a Source: Priests for Life

Pennsylvania to Investigate Pool Discrimination Allegations

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 10:01 AM PDT

State officials will investigate accusations of racial discrimination against a suburban Philadelphia swim club that allegedly reacted to a visiting group of minority children by asking them not to return.

G8 pledges $20 billion in farm aid to poor nations - Reuters

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 09:33 AM PDT

Somali Islamist hardliners behead 7 people for being “Christians” and “spies” - Asharq Alawsat

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 09:33 AM PDT

New York Times Best Selling Author Ted Dekker Ends Popular Circle Series with the Beginning: New Novel GREEN Releasing September 1

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 09:15 AM PDT

Contact: Christina Garvin, 615-591-7989 NASHVILLE, July 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- The beginning is the end in New York Times Best-Selling Author Ted Dekker's highly-anticipated new novel, GREEN, otherwise known as "book zero," in the multi-layered CIRCLE series. The tale will be available in bookstores across the country on September 1. The CIRCLE series--BLACK, RED, and WHITE--has sold more than 700,000 units. Dekker says GREEN is the preferred starting point for new readers and the Source: The Media Collective

Man Jailed 14 Years for Court Contempt to Be Freed

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 09:11 AM PDT

A Pennsylvania man jailed for contempt of court for 14 years has been ordered released.

INO Records and Derek Webb Silent no More with Release of Stockholm Syndrome on Sept. 1

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 08:34 AM PDT

Contact: Courtney Hyder, 615-591-7989 NASHVILLE, July 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- After nearly two months of silence, and several months of delay Derek Webb and INO Records are announcing the release of his newest album Stockholm Syndrome set to street Sept. 1, 2009. Over two years in the making, Webb co-produced Stockholm Syndrome with former Caedmon's Call bandmate Josh Moore (Watermark, Bethany Dillon, Bun-B, Slim Thug). Stockholm Syndrome delivers everything listeners have come to ex Source: The Media Collective

Beautiful Mess: New Book Details Diamond Rio’s Personal and Professional Legacy

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 08:15 AM PDT

Contact: Curt Harding, Senior Publicist, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 615-902-2246, charding@thomasnelson.com; Velvet Rousseau Kelm, the {m} media collective, 615-591-7989, velvet@theMcollective.com; www.myspace.com/mediacollectivenews  NASHVILLE, July 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- For the first time, the real story of one of country music's most successful bands is told. Diamond Rio's climb to the musical mountaintop may best be described as the ultimate thrill ride--an ad Source: Thomas Nelson Publishers

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59% Reject Pope’s Call for More International Regulation of Economy - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 08:11 AM PDT

Just 17% of Americans agree with Pope Benedict XVI's call for more international regulation of the U.S. economy, as part of a new papal encyclical urging world leaders to steer the world economy in a more moral direction.A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% of American adults believe international organizations like the United Nations [...]

ChinaAid President Bob Fu to Speak to CECC Today

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 07:02 AM PDT

Contact: Katherine Cason, 267-210-8278, Katherine@ChinaAid.org; Washington, D.C. Contact: Jenny McCloy, 202-213-0506, Jenny@ChinaAid.org;  www.ChinaAid.org, www.MonitorChina.org   WASHINGTON, July 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, ChinaAid president Bob Fu will speak during a roundtable hosted by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) regarding the recent crackdown on human rights attorneys in China. Some lawyers have lost their licenses or have been refused re Source: China Aid Association, Inc.

Obama Visit to Slave Fort Steeped in Symbolism

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 05:25 AM PDT

From the rampart of a whitewashed fort once used to ship countless slaves from Africa to the Americas, Cheryl Hardin gazed through watery eyes at the path forcibly trodden across the sea by her ancestors centuries before.

Obama and Pope Hold Their First Meeting

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 05:14 AM PDT

President Barack Obama sat down with Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on Friday for a meeting in which frank but constructive talks were expected between two men who agree on helping the poor but disagree on abortion and stem cell research.

Bailed-Out AIG Seeks Gov’t Approval to Give Million-Dollar Bonuses to Executives

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 05:01 AM PDT

American International Group Inc. is consulting with the federal government about its plans to pay millions of dollars in retention incentives and bonuses, a person familiar with the situation said.

US State Department under cyberattack for fourth day - Breitbart

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:36 AM PDT

Chile to push for chopper deal with Russia despite U.S. pressure - Novosti

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:36 AM PDT

Curbing extreme oil price volatility — finally on global radars - Arab News

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:36 AM PDT

Developing and emerging economies on board with G-8 warming limit - Deutsche Welle

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:36 AM PDT

German Troops Beef Up Fight against Taliban - Der Spiegel

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:36 AM PDT

With USA in a recession, rural Mexico feels the pain - USA Today

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:36 AM PDT

Ban on tobacco urged in military - USA Today

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:36 AM PDT

Kurds Defy Baghdad, Laying Claim to Land and Oil - NY Times

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:36 AM PDT

‘Stimulus’ Money: Men (Not) at Work

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:26 AM PDT

Sometimes the only surprising thing is that anyone is surprised.

The Stimulus — The Anatomy of a Failure - National Review Online - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:13 AM PDT

Barack Obama spent all of 2008 running against the sputtering economy and warned earlier this year of a crisis "we may not be able to reverse." Yet, as the unemployment rate climbs beyond the administration's projections, Vice President Joe Biden informs us that the administration "misread how bad the economy was." Apparently we were going to [...]

Care to save liberty? - Washington Times - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:11 AM PDT

Big government could decide when you’ve had it A few weeks back, at the dawn of the Obama administration, I was having dinner with a very bright woman of middle years who called herself an independent. She found the new president very engaging, but she was alarmed by the music in the air: a government takeover of [...]

Theory and Practice of Revolution - American Spectator - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:04 AM PDT

Revolutions tend to be processes rather than singular events. What has happened in Iran is no different. The process of recent public demonstrations, though a surprise to many in its beginning, should be no surprise as it continues in various forms that not unreasonably could be characterized as a “revolution.” Nonetheless, revolution is a war [...]

The rosy apocalypse - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:02 AM PDT

http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | Barack Obama spent all of 2008 running against the sputtering economy, and warned earlier this year of a crisis “we may not be able to reverse.” Yet, as the unemployment rate climbs beyond the administration’s projections, Vice President Joe Biden informs us that the administration “misread how bad the economy was.” Apparently we were going [...]

Numbering the days of dictators - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:01 AM PDT

Ahmadinejad’s accomplishments these past few weeks have been vast and unmistakable. By securing the unconditional support of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for his power grab, Ahmadinejad killed three birds with one stone. He ensured that the clerical hierarchy in Qom — which is dependent on Khamenei for its financial stability — acquiesced to his authority. He [...]

Cap-and-tax: Government vs. America - David Limbaugh/WND - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 03:57 AM PDT

David Limbaugh blows lid off climate bill’s destructive potential There is still time to stop the legislative monstrosity known as the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill before the Senate approves it. But for that to happen, Americans must learn how bad it is. Let’s briefly review the basics: the bill is ostensibly designed to curb man-caused carbon emissions (presumably [...]

Read the fine print - Oliver North/WND - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 03:55 AM PDT

Still looking for evidence Obama comprehends dangers faced by U.S The glow is off the rose. The euphoria is gone. The thrilled, awe-inspired crowds are no longer there. No, that’s not a reflection on the recent Michael Jackson media madness. Instead, it’s a summary of the Obama family outing to Russia, Italy and Africa. Other than [...]

AIG Seeks Clearance For More Bonuses - Washington Post - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 03:51 AM PDT

American International Group is preparing to pay millions of dollars more in bonuses to several dozen top corporate executives after an earlier round of payments four months ago set off a national furor. The troubled insurance giant has been pressing the federal government to bless the payments in hopes of shielding itself from renewed public outrage. The [...]

Washington State Officials to Regulate Car Wash Soap Runoff

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 03:50 AM PDT

It's one of the great American summer pastimes: Pulling the car onto the driveway on a sun-drenched Saturday afternoon, lathering it up with soap, rinsing it off and watching the sudsy water flow toward the storm drain.

US State Department under cyberattack for fourth day - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 03:49 AM PDT

The US State Department said Thursday its website came under cyberattack for a fourth day running as it tried to prevent further attacks.”I’m just going to speak about our website, the state.gov website. There’s not a high volume of attacks. But we’re still concerned about it. They are continuing,” State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told [...]

Palin: Not Down and Not Out - Gary Bauer - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 03:47 AM PDT

Like a few other intrepid souls, I have received a lot of grief for my defense of Sarah Palin's decision to resign the governorship of Alaska.   But after a week of consideration, I'd like to amend my position.  Not only does Sarah Palin's resignation not preclude her from running for president in 2012.  I would [...]

The Cap-and-Trade Bait-and-Switch - July 10

Posted: 10 Jul 2009 03:36 AM PDT

(Note: After opening, adjust font in upper right.) The environmentalist bill was sold under false pretenses. The 1,500-page cap-and-trade climate legislation, also known as Waxman-Markey, passed by a narrow margin late in the day on June 26. Members of Congress added 300 of those pages early in the morning on the day of the vote. It is [...]
