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Luis Palau’s Next Generation Alliance® Conference Equips Hundreds from Around the World

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 04:31 PM PST

Contact: Jodi Carlson, Luis Palau Association, 503-614-1500 PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- In a world strapped by the confines of a global recession, how relevant is evangelism? Is anyone listening? Does anyone care? As made clear among the 350 attendees at Luis Palau's Innovative Evangelism Conference on November 10-13, there has never been a better time than now to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. "Doors for the Gospel are opening as never before," said Next Source: Luis Palau [...]

U.S. rejects Ahmadinejad call to choose between Israel and Iran

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 03:41 PM PST

The United States on Friday rejected a call by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for it to choose between supporting Israel or [...]

Assad, in Paris: Israel doesn’t want peace with Syria

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 03:40 PM PST

Syrian President Bashar Assad on Friday questioned Israel's will to restart peace talks and suggested that a summit meeting between the two enemy states would be [...]

Muslim terrorist: Psychiatrist’s lap-dancing outings before massacre

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 03:08 PM PST

Nidal Malik Hasan, Muslim terrorist The US army psychiatrist, a devout Muslim, who shot dead 13 colleagues at Fort Hood, repeatedly visited a lap dancing club in the days before the massacre.

Major Nidal Malik Hasan;s behaviour in the lead-up to the shooting spree was similar to that of some of the September 11 hijackers.

St. Louis Dream Center Hosts Neighborhood ‘Clean Sweep’ Event

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 02:42 PM PST

Grassroots giveback intended to beautify and improve 21st Ward community Rakes, trash bags and volunteers converge for annual neighborhood quality of life project Contact: Randy L. Jones, Joyce Meyer Ministries, 636-349-0303 ext 2931, ST. LOUIS, Nov. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Joyce Meyer Ministries: WHAT: In partnership with 21st Ward Alderman Antonio French, community and volunteer teams from the St. Louis Dream Center will im Source: Joyce Meyer [...]

Prosperity Gospel: Did Christianity Cause the Crash?

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 02:40 PM PST

Prosperity Gospel America's mainstream religious denominations used to teach the faithful that they would be rewarded in the afterlife. But over the past generation, a different strain of Christian faith has proliferated—one that promises to make believers rich in the here and now.

Known as the prosperity gospel, and claiming tens of millions of adherents, it fosters risk-taking and intense material optimism. It pumped air into the housing bubble. And one year into the worst downturn since the Depression, it's still going strong.

• In the same issue of The Atlantic: Lead us not into debt: Finance guru Dave Ramsey wins followers with a simple message: find God and lose your credit cards.

Richard Viguerie Writes to Catholic Laymen Regarding the Campaign for Human Development

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 02:23 PM PST

Contact: Bob Sturm, 703-396-6974; after 6 PM Eastern and on weekends, 703-307-8176 MEDIA ADVISORY, Nov. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- Richard A. Viguerie, a founder of the modern conservative movement and an active member of a Catholic parish in the Arlington, Virginia diocese, has written to other Catholic lay men and women throughout the nation to inform them of the nature of the organizations which are supported by the Campaign for Human Development and to urge them to take actions to correct Source: American Target [...]

Report: Palestinians dedicate ‘world’s largest dress’ to Yasser Arafat

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 02:13 PM PST

Palestinian residents of Hebron displayed on Friday what they claimed was the world's largest dress, which the West Bank city's governor dedicated to the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian news agency Ma'an [...]

U.S. military ignoring glaring Islamic threats – JWR – November 13

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 01:43 PM PST

Stephen Coughlin is an attorney and intelligence officer who was once the Pentagon’s sole specialist on Islamic law. He lectured on jihad doctrine — what the Koran and key Islamic texts actually say about waging war — to military leaders who had been (and continue to be) strategizing, planning and fighting the so-called war on [...]

Obama’s failure, Netanyahu’s opportunity – JWR – November 13

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 01:41 PM PST

Once again, US President Barack Obama has demonstrated his intention of “putting light” between America and Israel. His hostility towards Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during the latter’s visit to Washington this week was breathtaking.It isn’t every day that you can see an American President leaving the Prime Minister of an allied government twisting in the [...]


Posted: 13 Nov 2009 01:05 PM PST

I want to help Judicial Watch fight corruption by making a tax-deductible contribution [...]

Trade Deficit in U.S. Increases by Most Since 1999, Reflecting Rising Demand For Imported Oil And Automobiles – Bloomberg

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 01:03 PM PST

Expert: Healthcare Reform Hidden Costs To Trigger ‘Massive’ New Taxes – NewsMax

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 01:03 PM PST

Ethics Comm. Clears Another Senator

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 01:00 PM PST

The Senate Ethics Committee has cleared a Louisiana Democrat who steered a $2 million earmark to a company that had just donated tens of thousands of dollars to her campaign, marking the third time in the last few months that the panel dismisses a serious allegation against a member. 

It took nearly two years for the bipartisan U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics to absolve Senator Mary Landrieu for giving the Texas literacy firm the generous multi million-dollar federal allocation just four days after receiving $30,000 in campaign contributions from its executives and their relatives.

The earmark paid for a controversial children's reading program called Voyager Expanded Learning in District of Columbia public schools. Senator Landrieu supposedly got involved because the literacy program had been successful in her Louisiana jurisdiction and she just wanted to help students who were performing below standard in D.C.

A government watchdog group filed the complaint after reading a news report detailing the unscrupulous earmark and it took the ethics committee 22 months to respond. It its decision this week, the panel claims that it "carefully evaluated" the allegations, considers the matter to be "resolved" and "intends no further action." 

Senator Landrieu has long asserted that the complaint was "frivolous" and "wholly without merit." She simply did it for the good of the children in a state located hundreds of miles from the one she has represented in Congress for more than a decade. Appalled that three out of four D.C. fourth graders could not read at the most basic national standard, she secured the funding to help them, claiming: "Here stood our nation's capital setting the lowest of examples for the nation."

Truly touching isn't it? Like so many others before her, the veteran lawmaker benefitted from the ethic committee's addiction to exonerating offenders. In the last few months alone, two other members—Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad—have been cleared in high-profile cases. Both Democrats accepted heavily discounted mortgages from a bank (Countrywide) that folded. The unethical perk, which they referred to as a courtesy similar to frequent flyer miles, saved them tens of thousands of dollars. [...]

Report: U.K. scouts shouted ‘kill the Jews’ at Jewish WWII veterans

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 12:47 PM PST

British police are investigating a London scout after its members shouted death threats and anti-Semitic abuse at Jewish Second World War veterans during a remembrance parade, The Guardian reported on [...]

‘Birther’ stories led to Lou Dobbs’ resignation

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 12:24 PM PST

Sources say CNN dispute over Obama's eligibility was 'beginning of the [...]

Top U.S. official: We won’t accept partial settlement freeze

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 11:23 AM PST

The United States does not accept continued Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank, a senior U.S. state department official has said, adding that Jerusalem's commitment to restrain settlement activity is not [...]

Personhood Nevada Responds to Lawsuit Filed by Planned Parenthood and ACLU

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 11:07 AM PST

Contact: Richard Ziser, 702-221-1613, LAS VEGAS, Nov. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- Personhood Nevada recognizes the intense interest surrounding the historic civil rights initiative to amend the Constitution of the State of Nevada, the proposed Amendment reading as follows: In the great state of Nevada, the term 'person' applies to every human being. This Amendment, for the first time, would ensure all people's right to live. Article I Section 8 of the Nevada Source: Personhood [...]

Morale Down Among Troops in Afghanistan, Army Says – Fox

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 11:04 AM PST

NASA: Water found in moon crater – USA Today

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 11:04 AM PST

Evangelist Tony Alamo Sentenced to 175 Years for Taking Girls Across State Lines for Sex

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 11:01 AM PST

Tony Alamo Evangelist Tony Alamo was sentenced Friday to 175 years in prison for taking little girls as young as 9 across state lines to have sex with them.

The decision punishes him for the rest of his life for molesting children he took as "brides" in his ministry.

Alamo, 75, had denied the charges, claiming they came from a Vatican-led conspiracy against the church he led, called the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries.

Painting a Bull’s Eye on New York City

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 09:38 AM PST

Top official: U.S. won’t accept partial settlement freeze

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 09:29 AM PST

The United States does not accept continued Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank, a senior U.S. state department official has said, adding that Jerusalem's commitment to restrain settlement activity is not [...]

Christian Defense Coalition Concerned about the Role of the FBI Under the Obama Administration

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 09:27 AM PST

Contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, 540-538-4741, 202-547-1735 WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- Group wonders why their Director, Rev. Patrick Mahoney, was visited and questioned by FBI agents for leading a peaceful prayer vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C. Yet Major Hasan, who contacted Islamic terrorists multiple times, made threatening comments to the American military and considered himself a "Soldier of Allah" was never visited or questioned b Source: Christian Defense [...]

Major U.S. County Passes Illegal Alien Sanctuary Law

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 09:24 AM PST

A major U.S. county that has long offered illegal immigrants sanctuary and taxpayer-financed services formalized its policy this week by passing a law that prohibits public agencies and employees from asking a person's immigration status. 

With a 5-4 vote, lawmakers in Washington's King County approved the measure to officially make it an illegal immigrant sanctuary. The largely upscale Seattle-area county of about 2 million residents has long offered illegal aliens public services, including medical care at county-run clinics, and the sheriff's department has a don't-ask-don't-tell immigration policy. 

But lawmakers wanted bona fide legislation in the county books to prevent future administrations from violating the unwritten sanctuary policy. The councilman (Larry Gossett) who sponsored the sanctuary law said it's intended to discourage racial profiling and "ratchet down the fear level" when illegal immigrants seek public health services or deal with law enforcement officers. 

King County public clinics have offered illegal immigrants free medical care since 1992 and the county's Public Health Director says "denying access to care because of citizenship status is not good medicine…" A councilwoman (Julia Patterson) who voted for the sanctuary law insists she does not condone illegal immigration but says she supported the measure because she's in favor of "humane treatment and care" for the people in her community.

Hundreds of municipalities nationwide provide illegal immigrants with sanctuary and dozens have passed legislation to make it official. Among them are practically every city in California, New Haven Connecticut, Denver Colorado, Chicago Illinois, Cambridge Massachusetts, practically the entire state of New Jersey, Washington D.C. and all of Oregon, to name a few.

Judicial Watch has legally fought sanctuary policies nationwide, including Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago, the District of Columbia and Phoenix. Click here to read about Judicial Watch's numerous investigations and court actions involving illegal [...]

Republicans’ Efforts to Keep 9/11 Terrorists Off U.S. Soil Rejected by Democrats

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 09:14 AM PST

In anticipation of the Obama administration's move to close down Guantanamo Bay, House Republicans introduced legislation that would have prevented Gitmo detainees from being brought to the United States. [...]

Obama: Iran must uphold obligations on nuclear program

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 09:09 AM PST

Iran and North Korea must uphold their international obligations on their nuclear programs, U.S. President Barack Obama and Japan Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama the governments said in a joint statement on [...]

ACLJ Represents 44 Members of Congress in Urging Court to Uphold National Motto & Pledge of Allegiance Displays at Capitol Visitor Center in D.C.

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 09:00 AM PST

Top official: U.S. will not accept partial settlement freeze

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 08:34 AM PST

The U.S. does not accept continued Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William J. Burns said in a speech in Washington D.C. on Tuesday, adding that Jerusalem's commitment to restrain settlement activity was not enough. [...]

Obama: Iran must uphold int’l obligations on nuclear program

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 08:29 AM PST

Iran and North Korea must uphold their international obligations on their nuclear programs, U.S. President Barack Obama and Japan Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama the governments said in a joint statement on [...]

Zondervan to Publish New Series by Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 08:25 AM PST

First book, Edge of Apocalypse, in The End series provides "fresh twist" on Left Behind series Contact: Karen Campbell, 616-813-6576 GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Nov. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- Zondervan, a world leader in Christian communications, has signed an agreement with attorney Craig Parshall and Tim LaHaye, creator and co-author of the world renowned Left Behind series. Three years after the success of the Left Behind final installment, LaHaye returns to publish Edge of Apocalypse, an Source: Lambert, Edwards & [...]

Hamas calls off Independence Day declared by Arafat

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 08:21 AM PST

Hamas authorities have called off annual Palestinian Independence Day celebrations in the Gaza Strip, ordering its schools and offices to remain open as usual when the holiday falls on Sunday, officials said on [...]

RI Gov Opens Door to Domestic Partnerships

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 07:41 AM PST

Gov. Don Carcieri, a gay marriage opponent, has opened the door slightly to the limited recognition of same-sex relationships in Rhode [...]

P.C. Can Kill

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 07:31 AM PST

Cynthia Hall tried to warn us, but we didn't [...]

Napolitano Announces Obama Administration Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 07:25 AM PST

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Friday that the Obama administration will push for "immigration reform" by giving the estimated 14 million people who are in the United States illegally "fair pathway to earned legal [...]

Iran army chief: Tehran should support UN nuclear deal

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 06:35 AM PST

Iran should advance the Un-drafted deal that will see Tehran sending uranium to be enriched abroad, Iran's chief of staff told the French news agency AFP on Friday, adding that such a move would prove the peaceful intentions of the country's nuclear program. [...]

Homicide Bombs Kill 16 in Pakistan, Spy Agency Targeted – Fox

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 06:03 AM PST

Supreme Court: Five Sept. 11 Suspects to Face Trial in New York – Fox

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 06:03 AM PST

Army: Fort Hood suspect charged with 13 counts of murder – AP

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 06:03 AM PST

23 die as Philippine communists, security clash – Gulf News

Posted: 13 Nov 2009 06:03 AM PST
