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Official: Hijacking Thwarted Aboard Flight to Cairo – Fox

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 04:13 PM PDT

Financials Slam Wall Street: E-Bay drops late – Reuters

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 04:13 PM PDT

American UN envoy to Israel: Relaunch Mideast talks now

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 04:09 PM PDT

The Obama administration's ambassador to the United Nations told Israelis on Wednesday that it is not enough just to pay lip service to peace and urged the government to immediately relaunch negotiations, without preconditions, aimed at creating an independent Palestinian [...]

London broker owed $20m to Israeli sports exec who killed himself

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 03:46 PM PDT

Two days after former basketball manager Moni Fanan's suicide, the British Serious Fraud Office (SFO) launched on Wednesday an investigation against British Broker Nick Levene who allegedly owed several Israeli investors, as well as Fanan, a total of $330 [...]

Conferees to Explore How Faith Affects Families

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 03:07 PM PDT

Contact: Jessica Prol, Editorial / Broadcast Services, The Heritage Foundation, 202-675-1761, 202-608-1503 WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- "The family that prays together stays together." Is the old maxim true? And, if so, can we know more about the family's prayers and practices? Such questions will be discussed more fully at an extraordinary one-day conference, "Religious Practice and the Family: What the Research Says," set for Thursday, Oct. 29, at the Ronald Reagan Source: Heritage [...]

Religious Zionist Tzohar Rabbis want to Register Marriages, Too

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 02:47 PM PDT

The Tzohar Rabbis' group is initiating an independent marriage registration system, like the hareidi [...]

Facing the Future: Dealing with Internal Rifts

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 02:44 PM PDT

Prof. Ruth Gavison discusses the rifts in Israeli society and the phenomenon of Israelis who work against their own [...]

Solana: EU has closer ties to Israel than potential member Croatia

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 02:43 PM PDT

Israelis are unaware of the deep relationship their country has with the European Union, Javier Solana, the union's foreign policy chief said Wednesday, adding that his organization's ties with Israel are stronger than those with candidate country [...]

Israel, Palestinians ready to talk with U.S., but not each other

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 02:35 PM PDT

U.S. President Barack Obama's Middle East envoy is close to a deal with Israel on terms for resuming peace talks with the Palestinians, Israeli officials said [...]

Charter Schools are Not the Salvation of Catholic Schools

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 02:01 PM PDT

National Catholic Educational Association President Asserts Charter Schools are Not the Salvation of Catholic Education Catholic schools that become charter schools are no longer "Catholic" in any sense of the word Contact: Barbara Keebler or Brian Gray, 800-711-6232; both with National Catholic Educational Association, WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- Are charter schools another way to keep Catholic schools alive, as some propone Source: National Catholic Educational [...]

Arizona Man Runs Down Daughter For Becoming – Fox – October 21

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 01:55 PM PDT

Police in a Phoenix suburb are looking for a father suspected of running down his daughter because she was becoming too “Westernized” and was not living according to their traditional Iraqi values. View Full [...]

Enslavement by a New Copenhagen Protocol – October 21

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 01:47 PM PDT

By Henry Lamb Copenhagen is about to become the successor to Kyoto as the synonym for the U.N.’s plan to control climate change.   The 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change will meet in Copenhagen December 7-18.  Until this meeting ends, expect to hear a growing number [...]

Thrown Under the Bus and Then to the Wolves – Markell – October 21

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 01:46 PM PDT

Where is the outrage? Why aren’t good Americans by the millions bitterly protesting a Florida judge who has ruled that former Muslim Rifqa Bary, age 17, must return to Ohio?  Her parents reside there, and when she lived with them, she became aware that they could kill her for her conversion to Christianity. They would [...]

Thrown Under the Bus and Then to the Wolves

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 01:29 PM PDT

Where is the outrage? Why aren’t good Americans by the millions bitterly protesting a Florida judge who has ruled that former Muslim Rifqa Bary, age 17, must return to Ohio?  Her parents reside there, and when she lived with them, she became aware that they could kill her for her conversion to Christianity. They would [...]

Mega Event Hits GOD TV Screens

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 01:22 PM PDT

Teen Mania's 'Acquire the Fire Encounter' to air LIVE from Canada this weekend Contact: Jeffrey Levinson, GOD TV North America Regional Office, 407-862-5084, MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- Thousands of teenagers will flock to the Copps Coliseum in Hamilton, Ontario this weekend for a life-transforming event, which GOD TV will broadcast globally for 12 hours as a four-part LIVE program on Friday October 23 at 7.30pm; Saturday 24 at 8.30am, 2pm an Source: GOD [...]

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‘U.S. to stand by Israel in the fight against Goldstone report’

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 12:49 PM PDT

Israeli official: Deal imminent with U.S. on Mideast talks

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 12:41 PM PDT

U.S. President Barack Obama's Middle East envoy is close to a deal with Israel on terms for resuming peace talks with the Palestinians, Israeli officials said [...]

Canada: Revive Refugee Committee

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 12:36 PM PDT

Canadian FM meets President Peres, wants to revive Madrid Conference committee and help solve refugee problem. [...]

Dep. Min.Warns of Earthquake

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 12:35 PM PDT

Vilnai: "Just as we were surprised in the Yom Kippur War, in a real earthquake that comes from nature we will be more [...]

Helping Flood Victims for the Long-Term

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 12:15 PM PDT

Contact: Taun Cortado, Gospel for Asia, 972-300-3120 CARROLLTON, Texas, Oct. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dinanath Rangan, 50, watched as the rain kept pouring down. He was alone, working on a farm in a neighboring village while his wife and two children stayed at home. For two days, the waters wouldn't stop. When he discovered that the river that flowed through his home village had breached an embankment, he rushed home, but by the time he reached his village, his house was underwater. P Source: Gospel for [...]

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ObamaCare = Coerced Abortions

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 12:12 PM PDT

Health care bill that funds abortion and rations care will lead to women being coerced into abortions Contact: Demi Bardsley, Concerned Women for America, 202-488-7000 ext. 1020 WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today Concerned Women for America will join in a press conference on health care with numerous groups including Focus on the Family Action, National Right to Life, and Family Research Council as well as Representatives Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina,) Tom Price (R-Georgia) Source: Concerned Women for [...]

Former Ambassador: Time for Damage Control on Goldstone

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 12:01 PM PDT

Former Israeli UN Ambassador Dore Gold: Israel can do much to minimize damage of Goldstone [...]

Male, Female MKs to Exercise Separately

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 12:00 PM PDT

The Knesset gym will separate the sexes once a week to allow religious MKs to exercise while abiding by laws of modest [...]

Bush Homeland Sec. Chief Advocates For Child Beater

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 11:55 AM PDT

The presidential cabinet member once responsible for securing the nation's safety has requested leniency for a drug-abusing acquaintance that savagely beat a toddler and fractured her skull, causing permanent neurological damage. 

Bush Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge actually wrote the sentencing judge a letter seeking compassion for the 21-year-old monster (Matthew Lazenby) who brutally attacked his girlfriend's daughter in a drunken rage. Lazenby, a drug abuser determined by psychologists to have intense anger issues, admitted striking the 23-month-old girl in the head and shaking her so intensely that he fractured her skull. The injuries left the child developmentally disabled in speech and motor skills.

Ridge, a former congressman and Pennsylvania governor, has known the Lazenby family for more than a decade and insists the beating was a horrible deviation from Lazenby's normal conduct, behavior and temperament. Ridge and the Lazenby's are neighbors in the upscale Pennsylvania community of Millcreek Township and the former Homeland Security chief is just trying to help an old friend. 

In his letter to Erie County Judge Shad Connelly, Ridge says that, as reprehensible as Lazenby's actions were, they were clearly not a reflection of a general pattern of violent or abusive behavior. He notes that Lazenby is a "loving and nurturing father" to his own 2 ½-year-old daughter (not the one he ferociously beat) and is "still welcomed in our home." 

The judge evidently didn't give much credence to the former Homeland Security Secretary's plea and sentenced Lazenby to eight years in state prison, pointing out that his victim was one of most helpless and vulnerable members of the community. 

Ridge, once a prosecutor in Erie County, currently operates a lucrative security consulting firm in Washington D.C. In a tell-all book he claims that the Bush Administration pressured him to raise security threat level assessments for political reasons. He subsequently recanted the accusations, assuring that he was "never [...]

2 Ministers, 1 MK Fined for Poor Attendance

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 11:00 AM PDT

Ministers Ben Eliezer and Barak, as well as MK Nafaa, fined for missing too many Knesset sessions. Lieberman gets off the [...]

Former Palin Aide Pens Own Book

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 10:42 AM PDT

Sarah Palin isn't the only member of her former administration planning a [...]

House Panel Ensures State Oversight of Big Banks

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 10:22 AM PDT

The House Financial Services Committee agreed Wednesday to ensure states can impose their own tough consumer protection laws against big banks, dealing a blow to a financial industry blamed for bringing down the U.S. economy and lobbying furiously against more government [...]

International rights group: Hamas must probe attacks on Israeli civilians

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 10:16 AM PDT

Hamas authorities in Gaza should immediately launch a "credible investigation" into allegations of serious violations by its fighters during last winter's Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said [...]

‘Widow Penalty’ Provision to End under New Law

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 10:12 AM PDT

A federal provision that triggered the automatic deportation of widows and widowers of newlywed U.S. citizens will not be in effect for much [...]

China’s Army to Recruit 130,000 College Grads – Reuters

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 10:08 AM PDT

Settlers Trade Fire with General as He Leaves

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 09:59 AM PDT

Maj.-Gen. Gadi Shamni, outgoing Head of Central Command, attacked settlers for pressuring officers. They attacked [...]

Human Rights Watch: Hamas must probe attacks on Israeli civilians

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 09:56 AM PDT

Hamas authorities in Gaza should immediately launch a "credible investigation" into allegations of serious violations by its fighters during last winter's Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said [...]

Solana: Israel has closer ties to EU than candidate Croatia

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 09:24 AM PDT

Israelis are unaware of the deep relationship their country has with the European Union, Javier Solana, the union's foreign policy chief said Wednesday, adding that his organization's ties with Israel are stronger than those with candidate country [...]

GOP Senator Says Obama Showing Nixonian Tendencies

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 09:22 AM PDT

The third-ranking Senate Republican said Wednesday the Obama administration appears to be launching a Richard Nixon-like political strategy of making an "enemies list" of people who disagree with the [...]

S.F. Passes Law To Shield Criminal Illegal Alien Youths

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 09:14 AM PDT

San Francisco has taken its acclaimed illegal immigrant sanctuary status a huge step further by passing legislation that forces police and probation officers to violate federal law in order to protect undocumented youth criminals. 

The measure, overwhelmingly approved by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors this week, requires that underage illegal aliens arrested and charged with felonies actually be convicted before police could turn them over to federal immigration authorities for deportation. 

The convoluted story of how the law came to be features a politically motivated mayor's desperate efforts to appear tough on illegal immigrant crime as he seeks statewide office. For years San Francisco has offered illegal immigrants sanctuary, forbidding city employees—including law enforcement officers—from reporting undocumented residents to the feds. The city even offers illegal immigrants official municipal identification cards so that they can enjoy public services and integrate into the community.

Among the most protected are violent youths convicted of serious crimes, many of them repeat offenders. Over the years San Francisco has spent millions of taxpayer dollars to shield them from deportation by housing them in unsecured group homes. The outrageous policy came under fire last year when two illegal aliens who had been convicted of felonies as youths committed heinous crimes as adults. 

First a gangbanger (Edwin Ramos) from El Salvador brutally murdered a father and his two sons as they drove home from a family picnic. As a youth Ramos had been convicted of two felonies (a gang-related assault on a bus passenger and the attempted robbery of a pregnant woman). In an unrelated incident, a Mexican gang member convicted of several felonies as a teenager "gutted" a man like a "pig," according to police. 

The atrocities received worldwide media attention and inspired San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom to pretend he's tough on crime because he wants to be California's next governor. Newsom, an ardent defender of his city's sanctuary policies, issued an order directing local authorities to turn youth offenders over to federal officials as soon as they're booked on felony charges. No conviction necessary.

The order incensed the Board of Supervisors who struck back with this week's veto-proof law to protect young illegal alien thugs. The measure was authored by a county supervisor (David Campos) who proudly boasts that he arrived in the U.S. as an illegal immigrant from Guatemala. Campos has already threatened to take action against the mayor if he doesn't abide by the new law. 

Gavin is standing his ground, claiming that the bill isn't worth the paper it's written on. The city attorney had previously issued an advisory saying that the legislation cannot be enforced since federal law prohibits the city from taking any adverse action against a city official or employee who reports a juvenile to federal immigration authorities. 

Judicial Watch has sued San Francisco, on behalf of a local taxpayer, over its sanctuary policies and has thoroughly investigated the Ramos triple murder case, obtaining public records relating to his arrest and lengthy criminal [...]

Traditional History Courses in Decline

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 09:06 AM PDT

The teaching of history in schools and colleges has changed significantly since the 1960s. History courses now deemphasize great people and events, often ridiculing them as DWEMs. That stands for Dead White European Males. Instead, current college [...]

Traditional History Courses in Decline

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 09:06 AM PDT

The teaching of history in schools and colleges has changed significantly since the 1960s. History courses now deemphasize great people and events, often ridiculing them as DWEMs. That stands for Dead White European Males. Instead, current college [...]

GMC Music Video Awards of the Year Nomination Unveiled

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 08:52 AM PDT

Sugarland, Billy Ray Cyrus, Mary Mary, Jars of Clay, Chris Tomlin, Israel Houghton & Skillet Among Finalists for 2009 Gospel Music Channel Music Video Awards Viewers to Select Best Gospel/Christian Music Videos in Rock, Pop, Country, Soul, Hip Hop, Contemporary and New Praise & Worship Categories Contact: Jim Weiss, Gospel Music Channel, 770-692-4579 ATLANTA, Oct. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- Sugarland, Jars of Clay, Francesca Battistelli, Canton Jones, Billy Ray Cyrus, Marvin Winans, Source: [...]

Rabbi Elyashiv: Refuse Money from IFCJ

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 08:44 AM PDT

Venerated rabbi adds his voice to those who say that ICFJ supports missionary [...]

Religious School Budgets: ‘Bibi Worse than Olmert’

Posted: 21 Oct 2009 08:43 AM PDT

Religious-Zionist educational groups asked PM to undo cuts of tens of millions in their budgets., said they received more under [...]
